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About lernOS

WHY - Why do we need lernOS?

Constant change and our future well-being require continuous, self-organised learning (see also OECD Learning Compass 2030). We can all feel the effects of digitally networked knowledge societies on a daily basis (flood of information, pressure to perform, speed of technical innovation).

WHAT - What is lernOS?

The term lernOS comes from Esperanto and is the future tense of learning: I/we will/will learn. The basic idea of lernOS is therefore to teach individuals, teams and organisations modern methods of learning and working. To this end, lernOS provides guidelines and learning paths with which a modern attitude (mindset), the right skills (skillset) and modern tools (toolset) can be learnt.

HOW - How can I get started? Many paths lead to lernOS. A suggestion:

  1. choose one of the lernOS guides. For beginners, we recommend one of the three learning paths in the lernOS for you guide on productivity & freedom from stress, goal orientation & focussing or openness & networking (see also overview).
  2. choose a period of time in which you would like to go through the learning path of the guide.
  3. decide whether you want to learn alone, as a learning tandem or in a circle with 4-5 people. To start, we recommend learning in a circle.
  4. use your personal network, social media or the Peerfinder to find fellow learners.
  5. Stop talking, start doing! :-)
